Wednesday, August 22, 2012

REALITY CHECK! Romney and Obama, sittin' in a tree....

Breaking news! Romney, the traitor to all Conservative right wing kind, has admitted he thinks all abortion shouldn't be banned....

Breaking news! Obama pasted another add smearing Romney, that oddly liberal oddity. 

Breaking news!....uh....we forgot what we were talking about with our ridiculous wing parties and sensationalism....

Breaking news! 17% of teens use drugs and alcohol during the schoolday.....

Breaking news! ..... people thought the day's youth were going to hell in a handbasket since Ancient Rome.

Breaking news!.... people were convinced the world was imminently ending....IN 1100 AD. 

Breaking news! ... Not all teens are good-for-nothing druggies....

Breaking news! .... obesity rates spike to an alltime high....

Breaking news! ....half the world is still below the poverty level and starving...

The real news?  Humanity is still imperfect, society still struggles with sloth, extravagance, wastefulness, extremism, lack of compromise, and intollerance.  There's still morons among us.  There's still upright citizens among us.  It's how we've always been.  We're just more aware...correction, HYPERaware of it now days. With sensationalized news and pop-science and statistics  creating a buzz that outlives the usefulness of 99.999999% of the information we receive in the so-called news.

Take it all with a grain of salt.  Do what you feel makes the most sense.  Be respectful even if you don't agree with somebody's opinion.  You don't have to agree that gays can marry, but you should agree that it's their right to their opinion. You don't have to agree with regulations on abortion, but you should agree it's pro-life's activists right to their opinion.

The party system goes both ways. It's time for the networks to GET REAL.  I'm from a pro-life family, that disagrees with gay marraige....yet I don't have a problem with gay marraige, if the state passed a law legalizing it tomorrow, I'd be happy for my friends who are gay.  I may or may not agree with their homosexuality, but what happens behind closed doors isn't the government's right or the majority's right to dictate peoples' personal lives, so long as it doesn't harm others. (Gay marraige would hurt no one. If it's a sin to be gay, then it's between them and God, not between me and them.)

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